(901) 336-4902 FAX: 901-202-9088 Grace@MemphisMFRyoga.com


Therapeutic Art of Myofascial Release and Yoga

Healing is a therapeutic artistry of balancing the mind and body through breathing. These photo books are artful compilations of myofascial self care poses created for therapists and patients. Each book contains 60+ colorful photos, none repeated, presented in small 6×4 pocket size or the medium 8×6 coffee table size books.
“These books are very clear and beautiful with great photographs, and I would highly recommend it to your patients and clients.”
– John F. Barnes

Get your copies now!!

Myofascial Release (MFR), Therapeutic Yoga and patient education are powerful tools to help alleviate your pain, restore fluidity and function, enabling you to return to healthy active living.


(901) 336-4902

Home Clinic

2075 N. Germantown Parkway
Cordova, TN 38016

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